Friday, October 30, 2015

Chemical composition of banana pulp

Banana and pulp concentrates are used in diverse applications such as bakery products, beverages, dairy products, and baby foods.

The chemical composition of banana varieties depends of the ripening state; however, agronomic traits, the type of soil, and climatic conditions alter the major and minor components of the fruit.

There is extensive information that chemical composition of banana pulp changes with the ripening state of the fruit.

On one study, lower, moisture content was found in the unripe pulp of banana (69%) than in ripe banana pulp (74%), the carbohydrate content was higher in the former sample (28.7%) than in ripe banana (21.8%), but an inverse was obtained for fiber.

The unripe pulp had 2.90% and the ripe pulp had 0.5%; this pattern might be related to the higher pectin levels present in the ripe state of the pulp.

Another research shows that bananas pulp contains 5% protein, 1% fat, and 84 % nitrogen free extract on a dry matter basis.

Studies have revealed that a loss of firmness or softening in fruit as a result of cooking or heating, involves a loss of turgor, a series of chemical changes in the cell polysaccharides matrix, along with starch swelling and gelatinization.
Chemical composition of banana pulp 

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