Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Banana: color indication

Banana is very different from other fruits in a number of aspects. First, each stalk or trunk bears only one bunch of bananas in its lifetime.

Second, new plants come from young plants growing from the base and roots of an old plant. Good fresh banana is plump, well-filled fruit with a bright even color and fresh stem. With bananas ripeness is indicated by the color of the skin. The fruit is of a green color when shipped to market, where it is ripened in storage room, and takes on a yellow or red color depending upon variety.

Good eating quality is indicated when solid red or yellow color of the banana is tinted with brown and flecked with small brown specks. At this stage, the flesh is mellow and the flavor fully developed.

Banana flesh discolors on slicing so prepare and use straight away - otherwise sprinkle with a little lemon or lime juice to delay the browning effect.
Banana: color indication

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