Monday, February 20, 2017

What is green banana?

The green banana or unripe banana has a white and almost insipid flesh. In this state it is scarcely contains any sugar; it is starch that predominates.

A green banana will not taste as sweet as a ripe yellow banana. Unripened fruit is also sometimes hard to digest, so may cause a stomachache.

Bananas are always picked when they are green. If they are allowed to ripen on the tree they tend to lose their taste and become mealy.

The sugar content increases as soon as the banana is picked and increases from 2 percent to 20 percent.

Green banana flour is high in dietary fiber and resistant starch. Study shows that substituted wheat flour with 30% green banana flour and found an increase in water-holding capacity crude fiber, dietary fiber and resistant starch but decreased steamed bread volume (Noor Aziah 2012. Int. Food Res. J. 19,869-876)
What is green banana?

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