Healthy Fruit: Banana
Bananas are considered cold and have a tendency to move energy inward in the body. They are sweet, being rich in carbohydrates (mostly the sugars glucose and fructose), as well as in folic acid, vitamins B6, and C, potassium, and pectin. They also contain an enzyme that aids in the production of sex hormones. As bananas are high in calories but low in fat, they are an excellent food for pregnant mothers, babies and children.
Bananas provide long term energy and improve stamina. They moisten the ‘yin’ fluid of the body, including the lungs and large intestines, and have some antiseptic activity. They support the friendly intestinal flora (helpful bacteria within our bowel) and stimulate the proliferation of cells that provide a protective coating between the stomach and harsh digestive acids. Bananas also stimulate the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that improve sleep and elevate mood.
Bananas have been used to treat alcoholism, arteriosclerosis, celiac disease, colitis, constipation, depression, diarrhea, dyspepsia, exhaustion, hemorrhoids, hypertension, weak muscle and ulcers. They also have been used to help treat insulin shock in diabetics. Ripe bananas are very easy to digest – even easier when mashed – and are recommended for those suffering from weak digestion, vomiting or emaciation.
Healthy Fruit: Banana
Bananas represent on of the most widely traded agricultural goods in the world with annual export valued at five billion dollars. There are two main varieties of bananas, the fruit or sweet banana and the plantain.....
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