Thursday, April 17, 2014

Dopamine in banana

Bananas are popular edible fruits. The major phenolics of banana include catecholamines, naringin and rutin. 

Dopamine and norepinephrine are the predominant catecholamines in banana peel and pulp; phenolics accumulate mainly in the peel.

Researchers found that the dopamine content in banana varied from 80-560 mg/100g in the peel and 2.5-10 mg/100 g in the pulp in Cavendish banana.

Dopamine is a strong, water soluble antioxidant. It has similar antioxidant potency to strong antioxidants such as gallocatechin gallate and AsA.

It is the primary substrate in enzymatic browning. It is further confirmed that dopamine is the only major phenolic constituent in banana peel.

Dopamine displays anti-inflammatory activity and protects against intestinal injury by acting as modulator of eicosanoid synthesis.

Dopamine is easily absorbed by the body and is considered to play an important role in the control of Parkinson’s disease.
Dopamine in banana

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