The fruits are harvested at three-quarters the full-ripe stage and are processed within 24 hours prior to the onset of ripening. If less mature fruits are used, the flour may taste slightly astringent and bitter due to the tannin content.
The production of flour has been carried out by peeling (facilitated by immersing the fruit in hot water) and slicing green fruits, followed by exposure to sulfur dioxide gas.
Bananas are dried in a countercurrent tunnel dryer for 7-8 hours, with an inlet temperature of 75 °C and outlet temperature of 45 °C. The dried chips may be stored as reserve ‘famine foods’, or ground and milled into flour as required.
Banana flour is used to prepare gruel and porridge, often in admixture with cereal flour from maize or millets.
Banana flour is used as an adjuvant in several food preparation. Banana is an important weaning food in Uganda.
Banana flour is said to be highly digestible and is used in foods for babies and invalids, but also be used in the preparation of bread and beverages.
Banana flour production
Bananas represent on of the most widely traded agricultural goods in the world with annual export valued at five billion dollars. There are two main varieties of bananas, the fruit or sweet banana and the plantain.....
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