Thursday, July 16, 2020

Chitinase in banana

Chitinases occur naturally in many common foods. Bananas significant levels of chitinase, as defense against fungal and invertebrate attack. Proteomic analysis revealed that chitinases are the most abundant proteins in the pulp of unripe bananas.

Chitin, the second most abundant polysaccharide in nature after cellulose. Chitinases are enzymes that degrade chitin. Chitinases contribute to the generation of carbon and nitrogen in the ecosystem. Chitin and chitinolytic enzymes are gaining importance for their biotechnological applications, especially the chitinases exploited in agriculture fields to control pathogens.

Chitinases are involved in many physiological and bioconversion processes. It plays a major role in nutrition and parasitism in bacteria. In case of plants and vertebrates, it is involved in the defense mechanisms.

Chitinases are involved in morphogenesis in invertebrates, protozoa and fungi. Baculoviruses also produces chitinases for pathogenesis. Chitotriosodase enzyme was also used as marker of lysosomal storage disorder.

Chitinases are a well‐known group of food allergens, mainly of plant origins. Even if many of them have been detected in fresh fruits and berries, and therefore not subjected to any food processing before assumption, it also emerged that chitinases present in processed food (flour, beer and polenta) can be allergenic.
Chitinase in banana

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