Sunday, March 26, 2023

Banana fruit freckle

Banana freckle is a serious threat to the banana industry. Banana freckle is a disease of banana leaves and fruit. The disease decreases plant health and productivity, and affects fruit quality and appearance. Blemished fruit may not be marketable.

Freckle disease of banana is common in Southeast and East Asia, especially on Musa clones in the Cavendish and Plantain subgroups.

Banana freckle is a plant disease caused by the fungus Phyllosticta cavendishii. It is also can caused by the fungus Guignardia musae.

Spores of the fungus are spread short distances in wind and rain. The fungus is spread over large distances with the movement of infected fruit, leaves and suckers used for planting. It can also be spread by contaminated fruit shipments.

The disease was first reported from Hawaii in 1917 and a few years later in the Philippines.

What are the symptoms of banana freckle?
• ‘Sandpapery feeling’ spots, predominantly on leaves and fruit.
• Spots can be very small to large (1–4 mm) and dark brown to black in color.
• The spots can run together to form streaks.
• Severe infection results in yellowing of the leaf, which can wither and die.

Sandpapery feeling is the most characteristic symptom of freckle. This is caused by the fungal spore structures protruding through the surface of the leaf tissue or fruit peel. If there are large numbers of spots, the leaves turn yellow and die early. Blackspots develop on green fruit and fruit stalks. They may completely cover the fruit by the time of harvest.
Banana fruit freckle

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