Banana flour is produced by drying, chopping, and finely grinding green, under-ripe bananas after peeling them. It has gained global popularity as a practical alternative to wheat flour.
The demand for banana flour is increasing in western countries as people seek low-carb substitutes for wheat. Since it is made from bananas rather than grains, this flour is gluten-free, making it suitable for individuals with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. When used in baking, it imparts a delicate, earthy flavor that complements both sweet and savory dishes.
Although banana flour lacks the taste of ripe bananas, it does offer a subtle banana flavor when raw, making it a perfect choice for no-bake recipes or dishes that require a hint of banana taste, like pancakes or muffins. It also works wonders in preparing gluten-free banana bread. Once baked, banana flour adopts a more neutral flavor, resembling all-purpose flour.
The composition of green banana flour includes 52.7–54.2% Resistant starch (RS), 1.81% Total Soluble Solids (TSS), 76.77% Total Starch, and 14–17% non-starch polysaccharides. Similar to dietary fiber, the starch in green banana flour is not digestible in the small intestine and instead ferments in the colon due to gut flora.
As one of the few foods high in resistant starch type 2, green banana flour is also rich in fiber, potassium, magnesium, and essential vitamins. Furthermore, it is low in fat, making it a highly nutritious choice.
Due to the use of green bananas, banana flour has a mild banana flavor in its raw state and a non-banana, earthy flavor when cooked. Its texture resembles lighter wheat flours and requires about 25% less volume, making it an excellent substitute for white and white whole-wheat flour.
Banana flour characteristics
Bananas represent on of the most widely traded agricultural goods in the world with annual export valued at five billion dollars. There are two main varieties of bananas, the fruit or sweet banana and the plantain.....
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